ブックタイトル関西外国語大学 2019大学案内
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このページは 関西外国語大学 2019大学案内 の電子ブックに掲載されている23ページの概要です。
関西外国語大学 2019大学案内
PROGRAM 21で実現。外国語学部 英米語学科英語キャリア学部 英語キャリア学科In collaboration withUniversity of North TexasThe KGUxUNT Super IES program in theCollege of International ProfessionalDevelopment is an integrated two yearprogram for first and second year students.Its goal is to give students the proficiencynecessary in both academic English andacademic content to be successful inundergraduate classes in English speakinguniversities. From the first semester Englishskills are integrated with academic content toprovide students with an engaging context inwhich to develop their language ability.In the first year, the content is seen as a vehiclethat provides context in which to developlanguage skills.The first semester is focused onthe Service, Hospitality, and TourismIndustry. Business and Economics are thefocus of the second semester. e thirdsemester covers Sociology, Linguistics,and Communications. In the final semesterstudents study International Relations,Political Science, and Population Science.e classes are taught by American teachers,with American text books, and in anAmerican style. e classes are interactiveand engaging. We try to help our students todevelop not only academic English, but alsosocial English to help them adjust to theirclassmates when they study abroad.Ms. Caroline McClellandMs.Linda Heidler海外の大学のアカデミックレベルに合わせたライティングなどを学んでいます。留学に備えたコンテンツも必ず役立つと思います。リスニング、ライティング、リーディングの力が飛躍的に向上。海外大学で学ぶスキルが身に付き、留学への夢が実現します。関西外大&ノーステキサス大学IESプログラム関西外大&ノーステキサス大学IESプログラム福山 佑佳さん / 英語キャリア学部 英語キャリア学科 野田 龍生さん / 外国語学部 英米語学科In collaboration withThe University of Western AustraliaThe University of Western Australia’s SuperIES Program at Kansai Gaidai University isdesigned to provide students with theconfidence, language competence andacademic literacy to communicate and studyautonomously in a global English-speakingenvironment. Students participate in tasksdesigned to reflect those encountered inuniversity studies, in which students workindividually and co-operatively in groups toset realistic goals, plan and complete tasks,solve problems, negotiate solutions, discussideas and reflect on the task. The fall semesteris designed to teach students the skills,confidence and language they need to beactive participants in the course. The springsemester will extend these skills and abilitiesas students discuss and suggest solutions toglobal issues.